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downsize | share short and secure links

downsize is a free URL shortener that focuses on privacy and data ownership. It offers users the ability to shorten links while protecting their privacy by blocking harmful sites and removing unnecessary URL parameters.

To use downsize, simply click on the extension and choose the duration for which you want your link to stay active. The generated link ID will be between 1 to 5 characters long, depending on the selected interval. As long as the link is opened during the chosen interval, it will remain active.

In addition to shortening links, downsize also allows users to securely open any unsure links on a webpage by routing them through the domain. Users can also save the current page's shortened link using the keyboard shortcut (CTRL/CMD + Shift + K), with permission prompt if necessary.

If a passphrase is set in the extension options, users can access their links from the popup in a list view by clicking the "view pass links" button on the extension.

Extension Preferences:

  • QWERTY keyboard layout is presumed by default for generating easy-to-type URLs, but this can be changed if the user's keyboard layout is different.
  • Users can group links together for later access by setting a passphrase in the extension options. The passphrase can be changed as frequently as desired, and the grouped links can be accessed by entering the passphrase on the website.

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